
Today, I Managed To Eat

Today, I Managed To Eat

I am travelling the world and performing poetry. I have just moved to New Zealand after competing at the National Team Slam Finals in America, representing Australia. I am living in a beautiful area with beautifully kind people. I released a new poetry video last week, which has been received well. Two days ago, I won a slam in Wellington and have qualified for the regional finals.

But today, my greatest success is: I managed to eat...

Talking About Birthdays But Not Really Talking About Birthdays...

Talking About Birthdays But Not Really Talking About Birthdays...

It was my birthday yesterday.  A day on which I think of my mum because... well... she did do the whole "pushing me out of her vagina" thing... and a day on which I try to thank my previous selves for carrying on enough for me to exist now.  

I don't mean to sound morbid... I don't not like my birthday but I also don't not, not like my birthday.  I also don't not like double negatives...

American Round Up & Contact Sharing - Vlog

American Round Up & Contact Sharing - Vlog

I've arrived in New Zealand so wanted to do a bit of a Vlog cap off to the America journey... but got side tracked along the way, as I do in everything! I name check a lot of folks... you should add them and speak to them... contact sharing yo! Do it.

Texas Touring

Texas Touring

I am writing from Texas... there are giant American flags lining the road with enough material to clothe and shelter the folks living homeless under them, there's very little water in their chlorine system, I've been to a restaurant that has no vegetarian options at all... cue confused server, "no... it's all meat here... I mean we could take the meat out the salad but it's already in there..." and I've just seen a "Texan Pride - AllLivesMatter" sticker on a truck that forced its way out onto the road in front of us, slowing everyone down (what a metaphor)...