New Zealand

NZ National Poetry Slam Finals - Some Personal Thoughts...

NZ National Poetry Slam Finals - Some Personal Thoughts...

On Saturday, for the second year in a row, I came second at the New Zealand National Poetry Slam Finals.

How pleased am I with that result?!


Not very. 😱

Now wait a moment before shoving me off the ledge of conclusions; conflating that with a lack of pride or gratefulness and allow me to explain...

Talking About Birthdays But Not Really Talking About Birthdays...

Talking About Birthdays But Not Really Talking About Birthdays...

It was my birthday yesterday.  A day on which I think of my mum because... well... she did do the whole "pushing me out of her vagina" thing... and a day on which I try to thank my previous selves for carrying on enough for me to exist now.  

I don't mean to sound morbid... I don't not like my birthday but I also don't not, not like my birthday.  I also don't not like double negatives...