I've arrived in Denver!... Well, those of you that follow my social media (which, by the way, if you don't, you TOTALLY should!) and those of you that are my mum will know: I've actually been here for a few days already but I just haven't had time to blog it all out because there's been a whole lot happening! Some would say too much, but those people would also be the physical incarnation of my own anxiety and actually only exist inside my head for the purposes of self-sabotage, so they can, quite frankly, piss off because they would be wrong...
This is a blog, of sorts.
It will come in the guise of many musings, news things and things I hold true-things.
It will include deep looks at travels that I am on, surface-level skimmings of days, word paintings of life, divings into my thoughts on current events, streams of consciousness, profiles of people I meet, new ideas I am working on and...